Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. Not only do we need to give credit for the words of others, but we must also work to credit their thoughts and ideas. In order to protect our community's intellectual freedom, we must exhibit due diligence to protect the ownership of each other's intellectual  property.

According to the KU catalog (2018), plagiarism is

"[t]he deliberate or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas without proper citation
for which the student claims authorship. It is a policy of Keiser University that students assume
responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work
designated by an instructor of a course. Students may not submit the same work completed for
one course in any other course, earning credit for the same work each time. Plagiarism, because it
is a form of theft and dishonesty that interferes with the goals of education, must carry severe
penalties" (p. 89).


Original Source

"Because of their unique perspective, Americans fear globalization less than anyone else, and as a consequence they think about it less than anyone else. When Americans do think about globalization, they think of the global economy as an enlarged version of the American economy" (Thurow, 1993, p. 6).

Thurow, L. (1993). Fortune favors the bold. New York, NY: Harper Collins.


According to Thurow (1993), Americans fear globalization less than people from other countries and as a consequence spend less time thinking about it. Indeed, Americans see globalization as an enlarged version of their own economy.

Why is this plagiarism?
The writer has used Thurow's exact words without enclosing them in quotation marks. S/he has only substituted synonyms here and there. Even though Thurow is credited with a citations, this would be considered plagiarism.


Thurow (1993) maintained that in North America globalization is simply seen as an extension of the country's economy.  Indeed, the author argued that Americans are less apprehensive about its impact than individuals in other countries (Thurow, 1993).

Why is this acceptable?
The writer has kept the meaning of the original passage without copying words or structure. Words like globalization and Americans are generic terms (i.e., terms that are commonly used for the concept they illustrate - it is difficult to find synonyms for them). Thus, you may use these words without placing them in quotation marks.

(Note: The complete Thurow citation must appear in the References page).