Connect Your Students with the Writing Studio

When it comes to our mission to help students become better writers, the partnership between faculty members and the Writing Studio is vital. Faculty are the best advocates of Writing Studio services; we thank you for recommending Studio appointments our students of all skill levels.

Besides generally recommending one-to-one writing consultations to students, we invite you to consider the following options.

Include Writing Studio information on your course syllabus

One of the easiest ways to let students know that you want them to make use of the Writing Studio is to include a supportive statement on your syllabus, Blackboard, or on individual assignments. We invite you to copy the example below and paste it into your syllabus:

In addition to meeting with me during office hours to discuss coursework, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the services at the Writing Studio; getting feedback benefits writers at all skill levels. The Writing Studio can offer a fresh perspective on any of your writing projects. For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit

Invite a Writing Consultant to introduce your class to the Writing Studio

To help your students feel more at ease talking with others about their works in progress, you may invite the Writing Studio to your class. We’ll provide all the essential details about the Studio and invite students to ask questions about how we can meet their individual needs. You can request a visit at any point in the term; we recommend scheduling these visits either early in the term or near the time when you distribute a significant writing assignment.

Invite a Writing Consultant to deliver a workshop in your classroom

In-class workshops reinforce course-writing instruction through directed activities and discussion. Workshops are designed for 40-50 minute sessions.

Share our Resources with your students

You may wish to use copies of our handouts, as well as links to other web-based resources, as you plan an assignment or class discussion.